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New resources help churches celebrate God's goodness in Generosity Week

Churches across the diocese will be able to celebrate and respond to God’s generosity, with a suite of new resources for churches to use to run a Generosity Week.

The national and diocesan Generosity Weeks takes place in the Harvest season, running from Sunday, September 24 to Sunday, October 1.

This means that as we thank God for his generosity to us, we also have the opportunity to think about how we might respond to that generosity.

Generosity Week aims to give all the chance to develop a deeper understanding of God’s generosity towards us, and how we can live more generously in our daily lives.

Generosity Week is deliberately flexible to suit all types of church.

If you want to join in this year, here is how to start:

  1. Pick a week. You could do it in line with the national church and the diocese, but if another time works better for you, do it then.
  2. Contact your Diocesan Stewardship Officer for help and advice.
  3. Choose what to do by looking at the summary of resources available. Make sure you have enough people to help you out with the initiatives you want to do.
  4. Plan your Sundays - two Sundays works well because it gives you one chance to explore gratitude, and one for generosity. To get you started, there are service outlines, sermon starters and prayers - all generosity-themed.

Janet Edmond, Diocesan Stewardship Officer, said: “Generosity Week gives us a special time to focus on God’s generosity to us and how we can celebrate that generosity.

“However you are planning to celebrate Generosity Week in September or at any time of the year we would love to hear your plans so that we can support you and share your ideas to inspire others.”

You can contact Janet on or call on 07376 525684.

The Generosity Week resources can be found here.


First published on: 7th July 2023
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