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New resources to help parishes with funding for net zero projects

Churches looking to reduce their carbon emissions have received a boost, with new resources to help parishes find funding for their projects.

As part of our Saving Creation strategy, the diocese is pleased to share new funding resources prepared in partnership with Action Planning, expert charity fundraising consultants.

The new resources are designed to help churches prepare a case for support for their projects, allowing parishes to answer questions donors may have and enabling successful funding bids.

A strong case for support is the inspiration and the backbone for a successful fundraising appeal.

In new guidance parishes are talked through the questions they need to ask themselves, how to work out what their answers are, and how to frame these in a positive way.

We have also produced a new template case for support that parishes can fill in to support any bids they are making.

Jemima Parker, Diocesan Environment Officer, said: “Carbon reduction projects are opportunities for churches to invest in the longer term future of the church building and take significant steps to care for God’s creation.

“However, finding funding for a carbon cutting project is not always straight forward.

“Heating and lighting replacement projects do not always inspire generous giving unless the link to the mission of the church can be clearly explained.

“This set of funding resources should help any parish to develop a funding plan, create a compelling case to win funding and find potential funders from the grant funding list.”

The guidance and template can be found here.

On our Caring for God’s Creation funding page parishes can also find a webinar from Sean Tully of Action Planning talking through some of the things covered in the case for support guidance.

The page also has details of other funding opportunities and places parishes can seek advice and help.

First published on: 14th March 2024
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