News Archive

New Strategy for our Maturing Diocese approved by Synod

Maturing in Christ, a five-year strategy for the Diocese of Leeds, has been overwhelmingly approved by our Synod. ...

How our Diocese has responded to the horrific New Zealand shootings

Shock and grief at the terrible shootings of Muslim worshippers in New Zealand mosques has prompted active public ...

Inspiring tale of Syrian woman\'s escape to success in Huddersfield

St Philip's, Birchencliffe will welcome award-winning cheesemaker Razan Alsous for an afternoon of inspiring talk and the ...

Chapel-le-Dale church hailed as one of England\'s tiny gems

A new book on small places of worship has picked St Leonard's, Chapel-le-Dale, as one of Britain...

Silver Anniversary of the Ordination of Women Priests in our Diocese

Today marks the 25th anniversary of women’s ordination in the Church of England and Revd Canon Wendy ...

New Archdeacon for Richmond and Craven joins our diocese at Ripon Cathedral

The Ven Jonathan Gough, former Assistant Chaplain General to the Army, has been installed as the ...

Resource church plant marks first birthday with video testimonies

It is already a year since 45 worshippers from St George's, Leeds joined with worshippers at St Paul...

New Archdeacon readies to take on his role at Ripon installation service

The new Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven, Canon Jonathan Gough, will be installed at Ripon Cathedral this Sunday ...

Palestine and Israel profiled at special Palm Sunday event

Jesus Weeps for Peace is the title of a special Palm Sunday event to be held at Bradford ...

Ash Wednesday calls Christians to make their mark of repentance

Lent is upon us - the spiritual time of repentance in the Christian calendar which offers ...

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