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St Stephen's West Bowling shine God's light through their stained glass windows

St Stephen’s West Bowling have been able to restore their stained glass windows, thanks in part to a grant from the diocese.

The church’s west window has been telling the story of Jesus to churchgoers for centuries, and will continue to do so into the future thanks to a restoration project that was successfully completed late in 2024.

All of the windows are now lit with LEDs, so they are visible at night and from outside the building, and as part of the project videos have been created to explain the Bible stories shown in the windows, which are accessible on the St Stephen’s website or by scanning QR codes inside and outside the church.

The project was supported by some £4000 from the diocese’s Grants for Church Buildings scheme, with money from two of our funds, the Diocesan Church Buildings Grant Scheme as well as Buildings for Mission Minor Repairs and Improvements.

It was also supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust.

Sarah Hinton, member of St Stephen’s said: “It has been a great opportunity to be able to explain the Bible stories in the windows for everyone in the community to be able to access and go back to the original purpose of the stained glass.”

A member of the local community said: “I had no knowledge of what the windows represented. 

“Learning about each window gave me a different perspective and understanding of the windows, the history and how they tie into the church”

A church member said: “Although costly, the repairs and improved lighting help to bring the life in the church. 

“The church once thought to be closed is shown to be a beacon of love in a very deprived area of Bradford.”

Beth Vickers-Smith, Stewardship Officer for the diocese, said: “The grants panel were impressed by the missional aspect of this project, and how the installation of lighting, would enable those in the community to discover more about the church and the stories depicted in the windows.

“It is encouraging to hear of churches using their buildings to connect with the community, and taking on projects to make their spaces safe, warm and usable.”

The diocesan Grants for Church Buildings scheme include three different funds:

  • Diocesan Church Buildings Grants to support churches in completing essential improvements and repairs to the building
  • Buildings for Mission Minor Repairs and Improvements funds projects essential to sustaining worship and mission.
  • Net Zero Carbon Quick Wins funds small scale decarbonisation projects as part of the church’s journey to net zero.

The first deadline for this year is Friday, February 28, with two further rounds of funding to come in 2025.

To find out more about the scheme, please click here.

First published on: 25th February 2025
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