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Synod gathers for first time this triennium to tackle busy agenda

First published on: 22nd October 2024

Diocesan Synod members listened and learned well together as they considered a busy agenda at the most recent meeting of the body, the first in this triennium.

Diocesan Synod met on Saturday, October 19, at Holy Trinity Boar Lane, looking at topics including work towards becoming net zero, being a diocese that supports Fairtrade, our diocesan budget for 2025, engagement with Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence and more.

Synod opened with a Eucharist, allowing members to worship and pray together before getting to the business of the day.

Synod members were welcomed by the Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, and Jonathan Wood, Diocesan Secretary.

Bishop Nick especially welcomed new members to Synod, and several Mission Apprentices and Interns, who were kindly helping out to support the smooth running of the day.

Bishop Nick then gave his Presidential Address, welcoming newcomers and all to Synod, while also giving an invitation to listen, learn and debate.

He urged everyone to be faithful in their approach to the real life matters that would be discussed, and to heed the words of others, while always being ready to ask questions and voice opinions.

His full address may be read here.

The first motion Synod considered came from the Pontefract Deanery, calling on the Church Commissioners to release funds in the next triennium of General Synod to support all parishes in the installing of net zero carbon infrastructure, especially for those who would struggle to meet the costs themselves.

A presentation was given on the motion, before Synod moved to discussion and debate.

There were questions and conversations around determining eligibility for funding, and points were raised about the national funding that the diocese has secured, as well as around how we show our willingness to be part of this work and contribute ourselves.

There was also conversation about the differences in contexts of each parish, including the differences between urban and rural parishes.

After an engaging and interesting debate, the proposers of the motion agreed to the motion being referred back to Pontefract Deanery Synod, so that the wisdom shared by Synod could be reflected in the motion, with a view to it returning to a future Diocesan Synod.

There was then a report on the events of the latest meeting of General Synod, covering topics including a discussion about the wisdom of trust, and how we can work better at trusting one another; the human dignity of disabled children; safeguarding matters; and Living in Love and Faith.

After a coffee break, the Revd Jude Smith, Director of Church Revitalisation, gave an update on how parishes have been engaging with our Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence programme.

Barnabas is our programme for encouraging confidence in parishes across the diocese, offering tailored support that draws on the wisdom of people across the diocese and meets parishes where they are.

Revd Jude shared how over 45% of our parishes have engaged with the work of Barnabas in some way, through participation in courses, learning communities, mission accompaniment, our new congregation grants, working with our Church Buildings Support Officer or using the Compass diagnostic tool.

Revd Jude talked about how we want to make sure everything we offer is actually helpful, that it makes a difference, and we want to make sure we’re investing in the right kinds of support.

Click here to find out more about Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence.

Synod then ratified nominees selected for the Leeds Board, as well as approving the timetable for elections to the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education.

Synod also approved an Instrument of Delegation to Area Bishops.

After the lunch break, which was a good opportunity for chat, Synod returned to look at an item reaffirming a diocesan commitment to Fairtrade.

This motion was strongly supported by Synod, with good debate contributions calling for its approval, and that we encourage all in the diocese, in every parish, deanery, and area to engage with Fairtrade.

There was a strong feeling about the need to work for justice for all, and the motion was passed overwhelmingly by Synod.

Synod moved to its final item and motion – a presentation and discussion about the diocesan budget for 2025, and a motion for its approval.

Richard Pattinson, Diocesan Board member, moved the motion, and outlined the headline figures which shape our budget.

Geoff Park, Diocesan Chief Financial Officer, gave a presentation about specific figures which underpin our budget and finances, before Synod discussed what they had heard.

Several good detailed questions were asked, including around money raising initiatives, parish share, central costs and long term plans.

Richard and Geoff confirmed that the diocese has a budget for the next year which we are happy with, and a clear and confident plan for the medium and long term.

After the discussion, Synod voted to approve the motion about the diocesan budget for 2025.

Synod closed with a blessing from Bishop Nick.

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