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The Ven Malcolm Chamberlain to be Bishop of Wakefield

The Venerable Malcolm Chamberlain, Archdeacon of Sheffield and Rotherham, will be the new Bishop of Wakefield in the Anglican Diocese of Leeds, Downing Street announced today.

The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, introduced Malcom to clergy, civic and faith leaders at Wakefield Cathedral to coincide with the 10am announcement.

Introducing himself to the Wakefield Episcopal Area, where he will serve as a Suffragan Bishop, and to the diocese as a whole, Malcolm said: “I’m delighted to be called to serve the people and parishes of Wakefield, Barnsley and the surrounding towns and villages as their Area Bishop, and greatly look forward to joining you in June.

“Having studied at York University and lived for the last eleven years in Sheffield, Yorkshire is a region very close to my heart and I am most thankful to God for calling me to this role in the Diocese of Leeds. I feel especially blessed to have the joy of ministry in both South and West Yorkshire as the Bishop of Wakefield!”

Welcoming Malcolm to his new role, Bishop Nick said: “I am delighted to welcome the Venerable Malcolm Chamberlain as the next Bishop of Wakefield and to this important area of our diocese, so rich in both industrial heritage and current potential.

“He is assured a warm West Yorkshire welcome in the parishes of its city, towns and villages. Each has its own identities, strengths and challenges and I know Malcolm will listen and learn from everyone’s voices.

“His lived experience of hard-pressed communities in Liverpool and his recent role as an Archdeacon in our neighbouring Diocese of Sheffield mean he has the knowledge, skills and attitude to suit the tasks ahead.

“I and our whole diocese wish him well and we will do everything to support his new ministry to the people of our Wakefield Episcopal Area.”

Malcolm is married to Jo, and they have two children in their early twenties. He collects vinyl records and enjoys going to gigs, and is a life-long supporter of Leicester City.

Reflecting on his new calling, Malcolm said: “I can’t wait to start getting to know people and to finding out how I can best support clergy, lay leaders and worshipping communities, as together we seek to faithfully follow Jesus, serve God’s mission and step into all that God is calling us to in the years ahead.

“The Diocese of Leeds has been on a remarkable journey since its formation in 2014, and I’m excited to be joining such a vibrant and diverse diocese just a year into its second decade.

“I have always regarded myself first and foremost as a follower of Jesus, and am passionate about helping people to know Jesus and grow in confidence in their faith. As such, Barnabas: Encouraging Confidence is an initiative that I’m both thrilled about and keen to develop across the Wakefield Episcopal Area, working closely with new colleagues.

“My ministry has also been marked by a deeply held conviction that each church is called to be good news to its local community, sharing God’s love and working for God’s Kingdom as we pray for those around us, meet people’s needs, pursue peace and justice, and care for God’s precious creation.

“I look forward to discovering all that God is already doing through the ministry and witness of parish churches, mission initiatives, schools and chaplaincies across the Wakefield Episcopal Area, and to developing partnerships with local authorities, businesses, education institutions, charities and faith communities to serve the common good.”

Malcolm was educated at the University of York and trained for ministry at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He served his title at St John’s Pleck and Bescot, Walsall, in the Diocese of Lichfield, and was ordained Priest in 1997.

He was appointed Associate Minister at St Matthew and St James, Mossley Hill, in the Diocese of Liverpool in 1999, and additionally worked as Associate Anglican Chaplain at the University of Liverpool.

In 2002 Malcolm was appointed as Anglican Chaplain to the University of Liverpool and an Emerging Church Consultant for the Diocese of Liverpool, a pioneering role that involved planting and leading a new worshipping community for young adults in Liverpool city centre. From 2008, he served as Priest-in-Charge at St Mary’s, Wavertree, and was appointed Rector in 2011. He was also appointed as Area Dean of Toxteth and Wavertree in 2012.

In 2014 Malcolm was appointed to his current role as Archdeacon of Sheffield and Rotherham, in the Diocese of Sheffield. He is a member of the College of Archbishops’ Evangelists and has served on the Church of England’s General Synod since 2015 and Mission and Public Affairs Council since 2016.

First published on: 19th March 2025
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