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Webinar to help churches raise up new interns

An upcoming webinar run by the diocese is looking to help churches find, raise up and nurture potential interns in their churches.

The webinar, taking place on Tuesday, November 26, 1pm – 2pm, aims to help churches find and support the people in their congregations who would people be interested in spending a year growing in faith, Christian formation, discipleship and leadership.

With diocesan support, the internship is an opportunity for those aged 18-30 to deepen their faith through the development of spiritual disciplines.

There are opportunities to discover more of their gifts and skills; and explore what God is calling them to.

This is all done within the context of serving in a local church.

One of our most recent interns said: “I am leaving the internship year more than equipped for what God has next for me.

“God has provided so many wonderful experiences over this year and there have been many things to grow, challenge and learn from also.

“Being a Leeds Diocese Intern has been one of the best decisions I could’ve made, and the friends and the fellow interns I’ve gotten to know on such a personal level has been incredibly touching.”

The webinar will help churches find out more about how the Diocesan team can support them in finding and raising future interns in their church community, as well as what it looks like to invest in an intern over a year and what churches need to commit to host an intern.

It will also cover what the internship programme entails for the intern and for churches including different streams available and opportunities they provide (Ministry Experience Scheme, New Wine Discipleship Year, Future Youth, Independent Stream).

The webinar will also outline what the Diocesan intern scheme will offer in support of churches who want to be involved.

For a link to the Zoom meeting or any further questions, please contact the Diocesan Internship Coordinator by email at

First published on: 13th November 2024
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