News Archive

Thy Kingdom Come walk of prayer challenge

The Area Dean of Richmond will spend eight or nine days  between Ascension and Pentecost leading a ...

Prepare to welcome Tour de Yorkshire throughout the diocese

This year’s Tour de Yorkshire, longer and harder than any previously, will be criss-crossing the diocese on ...

Archbishop's Award for exceptional community service

The Archbishop of Canterbury has presented a community service award to Revd Elizabeth Baxter, for her ...

Church chocolatier heads for Haiti

A Wakefield Reader and Christian chocolatier is visiting Haiti in a bid to enrich his understanding of one ...

Photography fills Otley church

All Saints Otley became an exhibition centre at the weekend, as the Otley Camera Club held a display ...

Bacon butties and Bach for young people’s choir

Young people who sing with an Ilkley church are enjoying breakfasts and social evenings as well as singing ...

Diamond couple celebrate 60 married years where they wed and still worship

Diamond couple Gerald and Kath Clark have just celebrated 60 years together in the parish where they married ...

Missionary and author Sheila Leech visits Shipley

Missionary and author Sheila Leech will be spending the weekend of 13-15 April with St Peter’s Shipley. ...

Leeds Minster to host regional Commonwealth Celebration

A major regional service in celebration of the Commonwealth will be held at Leeds Minster today Sunday 22 April. ...

Marathon man achieves personal best for Mothers' Union!

Martin Holding achieved his personal best marathon time on April 8th whilst running to support the Diocese of ...

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