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Joint parish breakfasts deepen ties with Tanzania church

First published on: 15th February 2023

Eating together is an important part of building Christian relationships, and one of our Huddersfield churches has been using this to help deepen links with their sister church in Tanzania.

Prayer vigil for Ukraine to be held at Bradford Cathedral

First published on: 14th February 2023

A second Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine will be held at Bradford Cathedral on Friday, February 24, from 6pm - 7pm.

Children and Youth volunteers invited to thank you events

First published on: 13th February 2023

Those involved with children and youth ministry across the diocese are invited to TEND, one-day conferences designed to thank, encourage and equip. 

Team Leeds report on General Synod

First published on: 13th February 2023

Team Leeds was out in full force at the most recent General Synod, helping to shape the debate around big issues in the life of the Church of England today.

Bishop Arun urges politicians to beware of race-related rhetoric

First published on: 12th February 2023

Bishop Arun Arora has spoken plainly and powerfully on the real life dangers of inflammatory language at a special service to mark Racial Justice Sunday.

Church open morning to show off electric heaters

First published on: 9th February 2023

One of our Ripon area churches is looking to reduce their emissions and keep people warm, and is sharing their findings with the diocese.

Prayers for God’s blessing for same-sex couples take step forward at Synod

First published on: 9th February 2023

Church of England's General Synod has welcomed proposals to enable same-sex couples to have blessings in church.

Bishop Arun's thoughts ahead of Racial Justice Sunday

First published on: 8th February 2023

Bishop Arun reflects on the important lasting legacy of Stephen Lawrence's death 30 years ago

A Generosity Week enables organ repair in Ripon area church

First published on: 8th February 2023

One of our Ripon churches has been celebrating the generosity of their congregation, which has allowed them to repair their organ.

Candles in the Dark

First published on: 7th February 2023

A packed Bradford Cathedral celebrated Candles in the Dark on Sunday night, a diocesan event focussing on evangelism and church growth. 

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