News Archive

New generosity resources released in time for Harvest

New resources to help churches think about giving have been released in time for Harvest this year. The ...

New resources to help us hear the Holy Spirit from Jesus Shaped People

How we see and respond to the Holy Spirit is the topic of a new seven week course ...

Warm New Year greetings to our Jewish communities

Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines and the Bishops of our five Episcopal Areas have sent ...

Archbishop asks Sri Lanka to pray for Bishop of Colombo decision

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is consulting widely on the most suitable person to be the new ...

Sewn goods from Bradford church help orphanage in Kenya

Sewn goods from one of our Bradford area churches are supporting the work of an orphanage in Nairobi.&...

Racial Justice theme of special service coming from our Cathedrals

The theme of racial justice will run through a programme of perspectives, prayers, music and Bible readings being ...

Leeds church at heart of community with new defibrillator

A Leeds church is putting itself at the heart of its area with the installation of a new ...

New Christian book club launches across country this month

A new book club is being launched for churches in the UK, looking to encourage as many Christians ...

Mothers' Union say thank you for care and compassion of key workers

With key workers having done amazing things to keep us safe and the country running this year, the ...

How we re-imagine ministry in the church topic of recent webinar

How the church can find new ways to expand its mission and ministry in these changing times was ...

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