News Archive

Leeds Minster\'s look at the Bible ends with Revelation

Leeds Minster’s look at every single book of the Bible will finish on Friday with the Book ...

Responding with Hope summer photo competition

A photo competition is returning this July to celebrate Christian life, great and small, across the Diocese of ...

Hope Beyond from new Allchurches grant programme

The Allchurches Trust have launched a new grants programme aiming to support churches as they adapt to changing ...

New video ministry grows from lockdown

A member of a Bradford church has found an opportunity to use her talents during lockdown by launching ...

Emergence discussions draw big Zoom audiences

Zoom surgeries on how our parishes can progress safely from lockdown have drawn audiences of 150 clergy and laity ...

Bishop Helen-Ann blesses new food store in Ripon

A newly opened M&S Food store in Ripon has received a bishop’s blessing from the ...

A digital farewell for our diocesan interns class of 2020

Interns from across the diocese joined together digitally for a final celebration to mark the end of a ...

New hymn from Wakefield Cathedral shared during digital Evensong

Wakefield Cathedral have produced a new hymn celebrating the things they have achieved during lockdown, which was shared ...

Thanks and encouragement from Bishop Nick to all in our diocese

Bishop Nick has written a letter of thanks and encouragement to all worshippers in our diocese for being ...

New advice on the best ways and means to livestream after lockdown

How to bring digital learning developed during lockdown into our reopening churches is the subject of a new ...

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